
Tomb raider patch angel of darkness
Tomb raider patch angel of darkness

tomb raider patch angel of darkness

There should be a slide with a gap at the bottom. Walk to your right, then turn again once you reach the the end of the frame. Next, jump onto the disco lights and enable the walk feature. Make a running jump and get to the other side. there should be a box on the opposite side from the one that you came up from. Turn on the disco lights that move up and down. Return to the sewer top where you found the money. Then, go straight until you get to a sewer drain cover and an object or item toward your left. After you talk to the man in the pawn shop, leave. Go into the pawn shop after you talk to the women. If done correctly, Lara should reach through the door while crouched and grab a gas mask. Stand directly in front of the cabinet and press Triangle (Crouch). Lara will shoot the weapon much faster, making it easier to eliminate targets.

tomb raider patch angel of darkness

Instead of holding Action to fire, quickly tap it repeatedly. Fire more rapidly with shotgun or handguns This is faster than going through the select menu. Press Up or Down on the D-pad to cycle through your weapons as needed. While playing the game, press R1 to activate your weapon. Alternately, with a weapon equipped down from a ledge, press Square + X when in the air. With a weapon equipped, press Left Analog-stick Forward + Circle + R2. Note: It also works like a dive into water. When standing up, press Square while facing a ledge to do an acrobatic jump. Use the Left Analog-stick to choose your direction, have Lara do a regular run, and hold R2. Dive into waterįace a ledge that is over water, then hold L1 and press X. Hold R2 while running or standing, then press Circle. Hold L1 + Left Analog-stick Up, then press Circle. Press Triangle + Forward to crawl, then while crawling hold L2 and keep going. Tap Left Analog-stick Away and Lara will do a backflip onto the ledge (in most places). To do a backflip onto the ledge, walk back so your heels are on the ledge. Press Triangle to crawl while facing a ledge, then press Left Analog-stick Forward. Backflip grabīack up to a ledge, then hold L1 and press X. Hang from a ledge, then press Up and L1, L2, R1, R2. The money or item will still be there each time. Go to any location that you can exit and re-enter easily with money or reusable items (health packs, bars, etc.) that can be picked up. Pause the game, then hold R1 + L2 + R2 + Triangle + Circle to unlock the "See Credits" option under "Exit Game". Aicard's Graveyard Paris2H: Bouchard's Hideout (the Graveyard entrance, not the Ghetto sewers) Paris3: Louvre Storm Drains Paris4: Louvre Galleries Paris4A: Galleries Under Siege (After aquiring the painting) Paris5: Tomb of Ancients Paris5A: The Archaeological Dig Paris6: Von Croy's Apartment (Includes the opening video when selected) Prague1: The Monstrum Crimescene (This starts outside the building) Prague2: The Strahov Fortress Prague3: The Bio-Research Facility Prague3A: Aquatic Research Area Pargue4: The Sanitarium Prague4A: Maximum Containment Area Prague5: The Vault of Trophies (Warning: this starts under water!) Prague5A: Boaz Returns (starts with Boaz at second stage-flying Boaz) Prague6: Eckhardt's Lab Prague6A: The Lost Domain Paris5_1: Hall of Seasons (the main hall) Paris5_2: Neptune's Hall Paris5_3: Wrath of the Beast Paris5_4: The Sanctuary of Flame Paris5_5: The: Breath of Hades Aicard's Church Paris2F: Cafe Metro Paris2G: St. Aicard's Church is) Paris2B: The Serpent Rouge (the Garage entrance) Paris2C: Rennes' Pawnshop Paris2D: Willowtree Herbalist Paris2E: St. Paris1: Parisian Backstreets (First Level) Paris1A: Derelict Apartment Block Paris1B: Margot Carvier's Apartment Paris1C: Industrial Roof Tops Paris2_1: Parisian Ghetto (Where Lara wakes up in the Subway Car) Paris2_2: Parisian Ghetto (Path to the left, with Place D'Arcade and Cafe Metro) Paris2_3: Parisian Ghetto (Where the entrance to St. The following are the level select choices with the corresponding level location: Additionally, the level select menu does not include the actual titles of any of the levels.


Note: This code also allows you to retain weapons and items from level to level. Skip level and level select options will now appear when the game is paused. Release the buttons, then quickly press Circle, Up, Square, Triangle, Right, Down. Pause the game, then hold L1 + R2 + Down + Triangle. Corey Feldman Interview Level skip/select

Tomb raider patch angel of darkness